The Ecobuild conference focuses on emerging issues, new thinking and challenging ideas. For 2010 there is much to assess and debate: the progress made in putting sustainability at the core of construction and the built environment: the future direction the sector needs to take: how quickly and with what impact and to what effect. All of that in a year – since Ecobuild 2009 – in which the macroeconomic environment remained weak and construction continues to face a difficult period in which sustainability has to support profitability more critically than anyone could have foreseen.
This year's conference looks at the challenges facing the sector as a whole and house building in particular, how sustainability can be achievable even in a downturn, why the existing stock must be the new priority and how energy generation has become a key issue at a micro and local level.
2009 marked the launch of Speller Metcalfe's Ecobuild division, offering an expert service for the design development & construction of more sustainable buildings. We now address issues such as achieving high levels of airtightness; renewable technology strategies; energy efficient building envelopes; natural ventilation; and the sustainable sourcing of materials. We are also competent installers of specialist sustainable materials such as clay floors, earth walls, and hemcrete. Our Ecobuild division are also past masters at delivering BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes assessed projects.
Last year also saw the completion and contract award of many successful sustainable building projects to include:
* A private "Zero Carbon" eco home in Birmingham set to achieve Code Level 6 for sustainable homes.
* A BREEAM "Excellent" rated Multimedia Centre for Bristol University.
* A 7 storey, grade 1 listed building on Threadneedle Street, London – achieving BREEAM "Very Good".
* A Teaching facility for University of Gloucester achieving BREEAM "Very Good".
* A BREEAM "Excellent" educational facility for Steiner Academy, Herefordshire.
* A group of "Zero Carbon" Eco Vicarages, designed to meet Passivhaus standards – Diocese of Worcester.
* St Mary of the Angels Children's Centre for Westminster City Council – set to achieve BREEAM "Excellent".
For more information and to register for your free exhibition pass please visit: www.spellermetcalfe.com.