Lockleaze, Bristol


Lockleaze, Bristol

The project involved the redevelopment of land previously owned by Bristol City Council. The brownfield site formerly accommodated defective post war pre-cast concrete housing, which was demolished in 2011-2012 due to poor condition, with the site remaining vacant for the past 10 years.

Speller Metcalfe was contracted by housing association Abri to deliver a brand new housing development, which encompasses 74 properties constructed over two and three stories:

  • 49 timber frame two, three and four bedroom houses and bungalows;
  • A mixture of 25 masonry constructed, two and three bedroom apartments.

The homes incorporate features to improve their sustainability. Externally, properties have been provided with gardens, a shared natural habitat called the ‘Mosaic Area’ and associated hard landscaping.

Provision was also being made for electric vehicle charging points and cycle parking stores for 144 bicycles, with 50% of the new homes affordable with the other 37 homes available for open market sale.