Lockleaze, Bristol


Lockleaze, Bristol

The project involved the redevelopment of land previously owned by Bristol City Council from defective post war pre-cast concrete housing to a brand new housing development, which encompasses 74 properties constructed over two and three stories.

All dwellings incorporated a number of renewable measures including:

  • Air source heat pumps
  • Decentralised mechanical ventilation
  • Photovoltaic arrays
  • Air tightness below 4m³/m².hr
  • Energy efficient thermal fabric and high performance thermal bridge details

CIBSE TM52 modelling was undertaken to eliminate overheating risk based on projections to 2080 emissions scenarios. Sustainability modelling and assessment was also undertaken to demonstrate the scheme exceeded national planning guideline requirements and Bristol City Council climate change requirements for new developments, resulting in a 52.9% reduction in CO2 emissions beyond 2013 Building Regulation standards, as applicable to the development.

Externally, properties have been provided with gardens, a shared natural habitat called the ‘Mosaic Area’ and associated hard landscaping.

Provision was also being made for electric vehicle charging points and cycle parking stores for 144 bicycles, with 50% of the new homes affordable with the other 37 homes available for open market sale.