Net Zero Expertise

Supporting our clients on their journey to net zero

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Sustainability and environmental best practice has always been a key driver for Speller Metcalfe, and we have a long history of award-winning projects – and even global firsts – when it comes to delivering sustainable standards on a project level.

While the focus of net zero is on minimising carbon emissions throughout a building’s lifecycle, we recognise that net zero construction extends beyond a one-size-fits-all approach, with sector-specific strategies required to reach industry standards and rise to the unique challenges and solutions within each sector.

Below we bring you the methodologies that Speller Metcalfe focuses on in the need for comprehensive approaches beyond traditional metrics (such as EPCs).

UK Green Building Council

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) provides a Net Zero Carbon Buildings Framework, whose primary focus is to set in place a path to achieve net zero carbon buildings in both construction and operation.

The UKGBC provide a series of guidance documents that focus on a ‘reduction first’ approach , as part of its 10 step process to achieving net zero.


NHS Net Zero Building Standard

The NHS Net Zero Building Standard, provides technical guidance to support the development of sustainable, resilient, and energy efficient buildings that meet the needs of patients now and in the future.

Developed together with healthcare, industry, and sustainability partners, the Standard supports the NHS in aligning with UK Government building requirements, as well as meeting its commitments to deliver a net zero health service by 2045.


Backed with over 30 years of international evidence, Passivhaus is a tried & tested solution that adopts a whole building approach to deliver net-zero-ready new and existing buildings optimised for a decarbonised grid and augmented for occupant health and wellbeing.

Passivhaus buildings provide a high level of occupant comfort using very little energy for heating and cooling.

Passivhaus EnerPHit

Passivhaus EnerPHit provides comprehensive guidance to retrofitting old buildings with passive house components.

It covers the basics such as sound insulation, moisture protection, thermal comfort and cost-effectiveness, alongside thermal insulation measures on the relevant components such as external walls, basement ceilings, roofs, windows and ventilation systems.

LETI Climate Emergency Retrofit guidance

LETI is a voluntary network of over 1,000 built environment professionals, working together to put the UK and the planet on the path to a zero carbon future. Their vision is to understand and clarify what this means in the built environment and develop the actions needed to meet the UK climate change targets.

LETI has produced a number of guidance documents in support of this, such as the Climate Emergency Retrofit Guide which outlines how to can retrofit domestic properties to make them fit for the future and support the UK’s Net Zero targets.

PAS 2035

PAS 2035 is the British Standard for retrofitting dwellings and outlines how retrofit projects should be managed and delivered. It is crucial for achieving net zero targets and decarbonisation of the built environment and is mandatory for some government-funded projects

It is complemented by PAS 2030 which is a certification that demonstrates subcontractors are certified and have complied with the specified standards for their retrofit installation, process management and service provision.