Animal Care & Welfare Centre

Dudley College of Technology
Cullinan Studios
Colleges & Universities
Project Completion
The new Animal Care & Welfare Centre for Dudley College of Technology involved the repurposing of an existing empty building on the college site to create a high quality and sustainable new teaching space.
The retrofit and extension of Block E provides bespoke teaching spaces for the Animal Care department as part of the College’s ongoing campus regeneration scheme. Measures include new windows, roof and insulated cladding.
The works were part of a wider decarbonisation scheme for the whole college which, following successful Salix grants, included the installation of air source heat pumps into the animal faculty building (another Speller Metcalfe project), as well as incorporating this energy efficient initiative into additional buildings across the campus.
The build is also based on Passivhaus EnerPHit principles, which promotes the highest levels of insulation and airtightness, with current testing standing at 0.91³/m².hr.
The project was procured through the Pagabo framework.